what is spoonfuls?
spoonfuls is a cap with a
built-in spoon utilized with
spouted pouches for
feeding, dosing and
measured delivery!
simply flip down the spoon, give the pouch a little squeeze to dispense the product. when done dispensing, flip it up to seal it.
how does it work?
simple. measured. delivery.

Heather's AHA! moment came to her while grocery shopping, with one hand on the shopping cart and the other feeding her very hungry daughter a baby food pouch. Needless to say food was all over her baby's disappointed face. All the while Heather kept thinking 'This pouch would be so much better, more functional, if it only had a spoon attached to it....'
Sketching it out that very night, the vision became clear - by adding a measured spoon - it would have application in numerous consumer product categories. And that is how Spoonfuls literally started to take shape!
Through her experience as a mom, Heather Baird recognized this unmet need for a convenient no hassle way to dispense consumer products. Spoonfuls now offers scaled closures providing a range in applications such as foods, nutraceuticals, OTC medicines, surfactants and topicals. The USPTO utility patent for ‘Spoonfuls’ was issued in March of 2015. Since then Spoonfuls Inc has expanded its patent portfolio with patents in the USA and internationally.